Introducing Control4® MyHome
Today at CES, Control4 is announcing MyHome, a family of software apps that allows consumers to access and control lighting, temperature, music, movies, energy, security and more from a wide range of devices in Control4-enabled homes.
An evolution of the current My Home for iPhone and My House for iPad apps and the Mobile Navigator license, the new MyHome family features:
A new app for PCs and tablet devices that allows virtually any laptop, desktop or tablet device that is capable of running Flash* to be used as an interface for managing a Control4 system.
Next-generation apps for both the iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch.
* Support for the Android operating system is planned for a future release.
By turning existing smart phones, tablets and PCs into additional interfaces, Control4 MyHome offers homeowners an affordable way to access and manage their system, while offering you, the dealer, an additional platform to deliver greater flexibility and portability for home control to your customers. The Control4 user interface is consistent on every device. Just as dedicated touch screens are ideal in locations such as the kitchen or by the front door because they can't wander away, Control4 MyHome is an affordable and flexible choice for anywhere in the house.
In a Control4-enabled smart home, Control4 MyHome allows users to manage their system over any WiFi network, with unique security features that identify and authenticate their Control4 system to their iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, PC or tablet.
Control4® MyHome Licenses
In order to activate the apps, you must purchase an enabling license. Control4 MyHome features a new licensing structure designed to provide you greater flexibility.
Device License: A device license is attached to any supported individual device. If you purchase a device license for an iPhone, and then switch to an iPad your license will be transferred to the iPad and the functionality will no longer be available on the iPhone. Or, if you have a license for your desktop PC and switch to a laptop, the license can be transferred from the desktop PC to your new laptop.
Site License: A site license enables functionality on any number of devices, of any combination. There is no limit to the number of devices using the MyHome application that can be attached to a project.
The Control4 MyHome Device License (C4-MyHome-E). The license will be available for purchase on January 17, 2011.
The Control4 MyHome Site License (C4-MyHome-Site-E). The license will be available for purchase on January 17, 2011.
The Control4 MyHome iPad app for Control4 systems is currently available on the
iTunes store. It is a free download. A new update is scheduled for release at the end of February 2011.
The Control4 My Home iPhone app for Control4 systems 1.x is available on the
iTunes store. It is a free download. A new update is scheduled for release at the end of February 2011.
The Control4 My Home PC/Tablet app will be available in mid-February 2011.
System Requirements
Control4® MyHome - Device License
Control4 system running software 1.7.4 or later, Control4 MyHome app, and appropriate device. Control4 system software OS 2.0 or later for PC or tablet usage (the device must be capable of running Adobe Flash). Support for the Android operating system is planned for a future release.
Control4® MyHome - Site License
Control4 system running software OS 2.0 or later, Control4 My Home App, and appropriate device. For PC or tablet usage (the device must be capable of running Adobe Flash). Support for the Android operating system is planned for a future release.
Control4® MyHome - iPad
V1.6, updated 8/20/10, requires iOS 3.2 or later. Compatible with iPad. Requires Control4 system running OS 1.7.4 or later.
NOTE: If you are using an iPad and are running Control4 system software OS 1.7.4 or 1.8.2, the Control4® Apple iPad Driver Patch must be installed on the Controller and on Composer. website.
Control4® MyHome - iPhone/iPod Touch
V2.4, updated 3/10/10, requires iOS 2.2.1 or later. Compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch. Requires Control4 system running OS 1.7.4 or later. iPhone GUI reflects OS2.0 with MyHome App version 2.1.
Control4® MyHome - PC/Tablet
Control4 system running software OS 2.0 or later, Control4 My Home App, and PC or tablet device capable of running Adobe Flash. Support for the Android operating system is planned for a future release.